Company Description:

AEGON Capital Management Inc. makes investment decisions as a team. Promising ideas are presented by individual managers and then explored in depth with their colleagues. Clients benefit from the collective knowledge of all investment professionals every time a buy or sell is made. At the same time, the agile team moves quickly to exploit the opportunities they uncover.

The experienced and technically savvy equity and fixed-income managers are personally committed to success of their investors portfolios, with an equity stake in the business. Rewarding their investment professionals on the basis of performance means that the relationship with their clients rests firmly on two common goals: exceptional investment results and superior service. Furthermore, dedicated team members in Canada are integrated with the investment professionals of AEGON N.V., including Transamerica Investment Management LLC, located in California, and Scottish Equitable plc, located in Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Company Info
AEGON Canada
5000 Yonge Street\r\n
Toronto, ON, Canada

Phone: 1-866-462-9946
Web Site

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