Company Description:

Theatre Passe Muraille is housed in a designated historical building. The building was the original home of the Nasmith Bakery and Stables. Purchased in the 1970's and renovated to encompass two separate performance spaces, it is a landmark of the Queen Street West neighbourhood.

Theatre Passe Muraille is a not-for-profit theatre which is an active member of the Professional Association of Canadian Theatres (PACT) and engages professional artists who are members of the Canadian Actors' Equity Association. Theatre Passe Muraille is also a member of the Toronto Alliance for the Performing Arts, Theatre Ontario and The Creative Trust.
Theatre Passe Muraille develops and produces innovative and provocative Canadian theatre and nurtures new theatre artists and theatre companies.
TPM is dedicated to reflecting the hearts and minds of the country through producing affordable, accessible, culturally diverse, and entertaining live theatre. We passe through walls by working collaboratively with fresh voices and new partnerships.
Artistic Vision
To create theatre that engages the heart as well as the mind. To produce work that has an open agenda. To connect on a visceral level with our audience through stories and humour.

"A theatre that you can't laugh in is a theatre to laugh at." - Bertholt Brecht

Company Info
Theatre Passe Muraille
16 Ryerson Avenue
Toronto, ON, Canada

Phone: 416 504 7529 ext. 21
Web Site

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