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How to write a goal and objectives in an abstract, examples

It would seem that there is no task easier than writing an essay. There is a theme, there is information, then - sleight of hand and no magic. But even here, many students have problems. After all, the abstract, like other student work, requires competent design.

The introductory part, the correct structure and relevance of the topic, the original text, the conclusion and, of course, the setting of goals and objectives - all these elements must be taken into account in order to correctly compose an abstract. And how to formulate the goals and objectives of the essay? And how do they differ from each other? We will talk about this in the article, but here here you can pay people to write papers for you. We will also give examples of formulating the right goals and objectives.

What is the difference between the goal and the task in the abstract

Before formulating goals and objectives in the abstract, it is worth understanding what is the difference between them. This knowledge will tell you how to correctly write the goal and objectives in the abstract.

The goal is what you want to achieve as a result of the research. Objectives are those specific steps-subgoals by which a common goal is achieved.

So, the main difference is that the purpose of the abstract directly depends on the topic. And tasks - from the fulfillment of the goal. Therefore, if the student correctly composed the topic, then it will be easy to set the right goal and tasks.

So, the goal should be clear and not stretched. Tasks are a kind of sub-goals, which in no case should repeat the goal. P

The goal may be global, but the tasks are always specific. And in order to set goals and objectives and disclose them correctly in the report, a detailed action plan will help you.

How to write the purpose of an abstract: rules and an example

How to formulate the purpose of the abstract?

To cope with this task, pay attention to the topic of the work. It needs to be rephrased to get the point. You can do this in two ways:

1. Add an active verb. For example, the purpose of the work in the abstract is to consider the person of Peter I and his activities as the ruler of the Russian Empire.

2. Add a verbal noun. For example, the purpose of the work in the abstract is to study the activities of Peter I during the period of major reforms.

In order to formulate goals, it is worth choosing cliché verbs: analyze, generalize, describe, identify, explain.

How to write abstract tasks: dependence on the goal

We figured out the goals, but how to write tasks in the abstract? To do this, you need to "disassemble" the goal into components.

For example, the goal of a paper on the topic "Techniques for the study of a volcanic crater" is: "to summarize and briefly describe successful methods for the study of a volcanic crater." As you can see, in the statement of the goal there is the name of the topic (it is also the object of study).

How to write tasks in the abstract? Divide this goal into sub-goals:

- explain the content of the thesis "method of studying volcanic craters";

- establish and describe modern methods for the study of volcanic craters;

- analyze the most successful of them.

The purpose of the abstract is the problem that the author solves while writing the abstract. Tasks are a kind of steps, subgoals, after which the author finds a solution to the problem.

Where to write goals and objectives in the abstract: sample

Where to place the goals and objectives, as well as how to arrange them - all this can be found in the methodological recommendations of the university. The basic rules and requirements sound like this: the goal and objectives are located in the introductory part (introduction) after the student has designated the object and subject of research.

The object is a scientific field, and the subject is its component. These concepts should not be confused in the same way as the concepts of goals and objectives, otherwise it will be a serious mistake.

We draw your attention to the fact that in the introduction we prescribe the goal and objectives, in the main part we reveal them using the selected methods, and in the conclusion we make sure to issue a verdict: did you manage to achieve the goal and did you complete all the tasks?

Goals and objectives: their number in the abstract

A common question for those who write an abstract: “How many goals and objectives should be written in an abstract?”

If the work is small, then one goal and two or three tasks will suffice. If the abstract is voluminous, then you can prescribe a larger number. This issue is best discussed with the teacher. He can also clarify how much the abstract should have, where to look and how to draw up the necessary literature.

The purpose and objectives of the abstract: an example

In order to correctly formulate the goals and objectives of the abstract, it is worth studying ready-made examples. We've put together a few samples to help you sort this out.

An example of the formulation of goals and objectives in a history essay

The purpose of the abstract: to consider the person of Ivan IV and determine the causes, objectives and consequences of the oprichnina.

To do this, you need to solve the following tasks when writing an abstract

- to understand the person of Ivan the Terrible, and in particular, in his childhood and the conditions in which the personality was formed, about the influence of the Boyar rule on him and in his youthful thoughts about power;

- consider how personal experiences influenced his political activities;

- to understand what oprichnina is, what were the reasons and objectives for its introduction;

- evaluate the consequences of this regime.

An example of the formulation of goals and objectives in an essay on ecology

The purpose of the abstract is to study and compare the habitat and the living environment read more. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

1. Expand the student's cognitive horizons and interest in ecology.

2. To promote the development of logical and analytical thinking, to form search and research skills in the process of work.

3. To issue this material in the form of a presentation.


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