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Is ten days enough for an essay package?


Early September: The first deadlines are six weeks away, and candidates are experiencing mixed feelings of affect and excitement. For some, these feelings reach tremors in the knees when they start writing an essay - even if they know how and love to write. Perhaps they understand that writing talent is not enough; for a business school, content is more important than form, and this is not about one essay, but about the whole package.


Thinking about questions, choosing topics, creating a harmonious set of short stories that together should give the admissions committee a coherent picture - all this takes time. A logical question is brewing in everyone’s head: how to find a service where you can pay to have paper written and, of course, the special services can help. Using their services, you will not only have time to turn in all your work on time, but also get good grades for it. After all, real professional writers work quickly, know the topics well and write without plagiarism.


The Phoenix applicant writes on his blog that for each set of essays for business school, he allocates ten days, eight for writing and two for proofreading, editing and submitting. Is this enough time, given that each time you need to strive to create the perfect set?


It depends on several factors. The Phoenix says he's been dreaming of an MBA for years, so it's safe to assume that he's already thought of a lot of interesting essay topics, and has also taken care of other aspects of the paperwork package: improved GMAT, selected schools, submitted transcripts, prepared recommendations, polished summary. In this case, ten days for school may well be enough.


However, we would offer a more flexible schedule, for several reasons.


Firstly, the first essays usually take longer. Candidates tend to be unaccustomed to talking about their own accomplishments and failures, career goals, leadership, teamwork, and life turning points. It takes time to get used to writing about it.


Secondly, among the required essays there is always some tricky topic, and for each candidate it is different. There are applicants who have no problem writing a 1,000-word essay about career goals and then get stuck on a 250-word culture shock essay. Stupor does not happen by routine.


Thirdly, unforeseen circumstances. An unexpected business trip or overtime, weekends with relatives, a sudden rejection of a potential recommender. Unforeseen business causes many candidates to postpone training indefinitely after several weeks of hard and focused work. As a result, if they submit documents in the current season, then, as a rule, not earlier than the second round.

Therefore, although a preparation plan should be drawn up and followed, know that the package of documents is filled out only when you are sure of everything. A great package in the second round is better than just a good package in the first round, since highly competitive business schools usually reject "just good" candidates because the candidate simply did not apply to the essay writing service in time and did not ask for help from professionals. There is no need to be shy about asking for help, because you are not omnipotent and often emotions and stress take over when you are admitted and you just fall into a stupor.

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Jacquelyn Norris

Ontario, Canada

Phone: 2537323938
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