Are you a jobseeker? Do you know someone who has been looking for work for a while, without any success? Are you looking to get into a recruiting position? Looking for some insider tips on the job search process?If yes to any of these questions, pick up the latest book from Marc Belaiche, CPA, CA, President of TorontoJobs.ca Having spent over 25 years in the recruitment industry, and having spoken to thousands of job seekers and employers, Marc has a thorough inside perspective on the recruiting process, which he outlines in his book, titled "Tales from the Recruiter: A Canadian Recruiter's Perspective on How to Get that Perfect Job". Order a copy of the book from Amazon at: can read a copy of the book online at: a video explaining the book by Marc Belaiche at this book you’ll get information on how to find your perfect job, how to best prepare for interviews and how to find a job if you don’t know anyone.Get your copy today!