Tips on Managing Stress When Job Searching

Posted: 08.04.2020
Searching for a job can be challenging and stressful, especially if you’re applying to a lot of jobs, but you aren’t getting any interviews. It can make you feel discouraged and unmotivated, which could lead to even more problems like not eating or sleeping well.
Below are some tips for job seekers on how to manage stress levels when looking for a job.
1. Focus on what you can control.
Often times when we are stressed, we focus on the “what if.” What if I don’t find a job? What if I’m not successful in my interview? Try shifting your focus to something that you can do right now.
- Network and connect with professionals on LinkedIn and other social media channels
- Strengthen your interview skills
- Look into taking online certification courses
2. Understand what is creating your stress.
By sitting down and analyzing what is causing your stress you can create a plan to try and reduce it. Maybe you get really nervous during interviews and you’re worried that a perspective employer will only notice that aspect about you during the interview. The first thing is to remember that everyone gets nervous before and during interviews! You really want the job, so it’s a very natural feeling. Second, run through as many prep questions as you need to. There are tons of resources online that offer mock interview questions. By practising interview questions beforehand, you’ll feel much better when it’s actually happening.
3. Write down three positive thoughts each day.
Take some time at the end of the day before you go to bed to write down three positive aspects of your day.
- I connected with an influential professional on LinkedIn
- I applied to another job I’m really interested in
- I added another skill to my resume
But it doesn’t always have to be job related! It could be anything like: I spoke to my best friend today, I finished reading my book, I squeezed in a workout today, etc.
4. Breathe.
Take some time to slow down and breathe, especially before an interview. This will help you to release some stress so you can walk into your interview calmer.
5. Step away from your electronic devices.
This is a tough one because a lot of aspects in our day-to-day lives revolve around our phone and laptops. But you could start small and work your way up. Try turning off your phone and TV and putting away your laptop about an hour before you go to bed and instead do something more calming like reading a book. Before you know it, you’ll be relying less on your electronic devices each day and focusing more on centering yourself or spending time with the people you love and care about.
6. Reward yourself.
Even if you didn’t get the job, reward yourself for getting your foot in the door with an interview. Take a break to hang out with your friends, go for a walk, watch a funny movie, etc. It’s important to reward yourself of all your accomplishments and not just the major ones.

Click here to watch President of Marc Belaiche, CPA, CA discuss this topic.

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